August 2020

August 2020, much like July was greatly impacted by COVID-19, though far less than the months of March – June.  August saw significant growth over prior months of the year.

All Arrivals

August visitation decreased year-over-year in all sectors, resulting in a total decrease of 42.3% in passengers over the same month last year.

catalina island visitor stats

August’s total in-bound passengers = 78,958, down 42.3% from last year @ 136,781.  August 2020 was below the three-year average of 116,888 by 32.5%. August was below the five-year average of 123,528 by 32.5% and the ten-year average of 122,534 by 35.6%.

catalina Island visitor stats

Arrivals by Sea

People arriving by sea, including private boaters, was 75,015 for the month of August, down 43.2% from 132,053 last year.

catalina island visitor stats august 2020

catalina island visitor stats vessels

  • August Cross Channel passenger counts were down 35.3% year-over-year @ 64,683
  • 1990 had the highest volume for the month @ 121,064 passengers
  • 2020 had the lowest volume for the month @ 64,683 passengers
  • August Cross Channel passenger counts were below the three-year average of 87,867 by 26.4%
  • Cross Channel Carriers made up 81.92% of total monthly arrivals

catalina island visitor stats

  • Cruise passenger counts were down 100% year-over-year @ 0
  • The number of Cruise Ships calling on Avalon was down @ 0 vs. 8 in 2019
  • 2016 had the highest passenger volume for the month @ 26,326
  • 2020 had the lowest passenger volume for the month @ 0
  • July passenger counts were below the three-year average of 14,394 by 100%
  • Cruise passengers made up 0% of total monthly arrivals

catalina island visitor stats

  • Private Boater passenger counts were down year-over-year by 2.6% @ 10,332
  • 2019 had the highest volume for the month @ 10,612
  • 2015 had the lowest volume month @ 8,424
  • August passenger counts were below the three-year average of 10,277 by 0.5%
  • August number of boats on anchors was even with last year @ 119
  • August number of boats on moorings was down 2.6% @ 2,583
  • Private Boaters Made up 15.29% of total monthly arrivals

catalina island visitor stats

Arrivals by Air

Combined in-bound air passenger counts for August totaled 4,035, down by 16% from 2019.

catalina island visitor stats

  • People aboard planes (Airport in the Sky) was down 4.4% from 2,574 in 2019
  • 2008 had the highest volume of private aircraft passenger counts for the month @ 2,694
  • 2018 had the lowest volume of private aircraft passenger counts for the month @ 1,800
  • August counts were above the three-year average of 2,278 by 8%
  • August people aboard planes made up 3.12% of total monthly arrivals

catalina island visitor stats

  • People aboard Charter Helicopters was down year-over-year by 31.2% @ 1,483
  • 2017 had the highest volume for the month @ 2,683
  • 2020 had the lowest volume for the month @ 1,483
  • August counts were below the three-year average of 2,072 by 28.4%
  • August people aboard Helicopters made up 1.88% of total monthly arrivals

catalina island visitor guide

catalina island visitor stats

  • Total arrivals year-to-date was down 56.1% from last year @ 315,249 or -402,676 visitors
  • Total arrivals year-to-date fell below the three, five and ten year averages

catalina island visitor stats

To view historical data for total arrivals by sector, year and month in a spreadsheet form click here.  


Year-over-year comparison for highs, lows and precipitation is charted below for the month of August each year back to 2012. 

catalina island weather

The number of rain days Year-to date is charted below with year-over year comparisons.

 catalina island rain days

catalina island rainy days ytd

catalina island rain days summer

Explore the Island