Two Harbors Boating and Mooring Information
Two Harbors, with its rustic charm, is a popular destination for boaters throughout the year. Moorings in and around Two Harbors are operated by the Catalina Island Company. Moorings are leased to private parties and rented when available. Boaters can reserve moorings in the following areas:
- Isthmus Cove, Fourth of July Cove and Cherry Cove
- Emerald Bay, Howland's Landing & Little Geiger
- White's Landing, Moonstone, Hen Rock & Buttonshell
- Catalina Harbor & Wells Beach
View a map of Two Harbors moorings. Click to view information on Two Harbors Mooring Reservations & Fees.
Additional Mooring Maps:
- Button Shell - 7 Moorings, Hen Rock - 25 Moorings, Moonstone - 39 Moorings, Whites Landing - 19 Moorings (one map)
- Catalina Harbor - 117 Moorings
- Cherry Cove - 103 Moorings
- Emerald Bay - 102 Moorings
- Fourth of July Cove - 42 Moorings
- Howlands Landing - 40 Moorings, 10 String Lines
- Isthmus Cove - 257 Moorings
- Little Geiger Cove - 1 Mooring
Explore the Island
51st Annual New Year’s Eve Gala Celebration
Reservations are On Sale!
A sparkling night of evening gowns, tuxedos, champagne, dining and dancing on Tuesday, December 31 in the world-famous Casino Ballroom.