Avalon Vision 2020
In 2003, a group of 40 Avalon residents worked for three months to craft a vision of what they would like their community to look like in the year 2020. The statement below is the result of this groups effort and was officially adopted by the City Council of the City of Avalon in August 2003 to guide planning and future development.
AVALON: A healthy, small town island community–A quality cultural resort–A model ecological town
Avalon is distinguished from other small towns by the natural beauty of its island location and its historic ambiance. Residents are enthusiastic about their community, value their cultural diversity, and take care to preserve their rich history and local traditions. It is a friendly, close-knit community, whose members feel responsible to and for each other and work together to improve their quality of life.
The town is clean and safe. Residents have access to dignified, affordable housing, good school facilities, a variety of post high school educational opportunities, and abundant recreational, cultural, and social facilities and programs. The limited land is used wisely for the benefit of residents and visitors. Infrastructure is adequate and well maintained. Laws and codes, including aesthetic standards, are enforced. Drug and alcohol abuse are not tolerated. Excellent medical and public safety services are provided to residents and visitors.
The community is uncrowded, and has the resident population and annual visitor density necessary for the generation of sufficient economic activity to fund community priorities and support its residents. Vehicle congestion and noise is limited. An affordable public transportation system reduces the reliance on personal vehicles.
As a resort, Avalon offers its visitors a unique, quiet, peaceful, high-quality vacation experience. The community continually strives for excellence in cleanliness, customer service and product quality. Recreational opportunities abound on water and land.
Avalon exemplifies environmental awareness and stewardship. The community strives to use technologies, products, and practices that are energy efficient, reduce pollution and waste, conserve water, and protect the environment of the island, the natural features and open spaces of the town. Avalon Bay is a national model for water quality. The community seeks to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels, both for the generation of electricity and in powering vehicles, with a comprehensive energy plan.
Wise planning and creative solutions are the hallmarks of the community’s efforts to realize its vision for its residents and visitors.
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