June 2019 Visitor Counts
All Arrivals
2019 has been weaker year-to-date compared to the prior year. Primary factors have been weather and facility closure. Poor weather has resulted in both Cross Channel and Cruise Ship cancellations and in fewer boaters in the harbor. Accordingly, new data sets are now included for weather. Also of note, the Airport in the Sky was closed for runway repairs January through May. June visitation declined in all but two travel sectors.
June total in-bound passengers = 108,265, down 4.4% from last year @ 113,244. June 2019 trailed the three-year average of 111,111 and five-year average of 109,915 but exceeded ten-year average of 96,825.
Arrivals by Sea
Avalon's combined Cruise & Cross Channel in-bound passenger counts for June totaled 98,842, down 4.09% from 2018. Total people arriving by sea, including private boaters, was 105,706 for the month, down 3.8% from 109,930 last year.
- June Cross Channel passenger counts were down 6.0% year-over-year @ 76,797.
- 2018 had the highest volume for the month @ 81,729 passengers.
- 2009 had the lowest volume for the month @ 48,245 passengers.
- June passenger counts were below the three-year average of 79,512 by 3.4%.
- Cross Channel Carriers made up 70.93% of total monthly arrivals.
- Cruise passenger counts were up 3.39% year-over-year @ 22,045
- 2015 had the highest volume for the month @ 26,335.
- 2011 had the lowest volume for the month @ 10,657.
- June passenger counts were above the three-year average of 21,594 by 2.1%.
- Cruise passengers made up 20.36% of total monthly arrivals.
- Private Boater counts were flat year-over-year @ 6,804
- 2017 had the highest volume for the month @ 7,256.
- 2015 had the lowest volume month @ 5,140.
- June counts were below the three-year average of 6,995 by 1.9%.
- June Boaters made up 6.28% of total monthly arrivals.
Arrivals by Air
Avalon's combined in-bound air passenger counts for June totaled 2,578, down 23.3% from 2018.
- People aboard planes (Airport in the Sky) was down 25.2% year-over-year @ 1,044.
- 2017 had the highest volume in current data, for the month @ 1,398.
- June counts were below the three-year average of 1,279 by 18.4%.
- June people aboard planes made up less than 1.0 % of total monthly arrivals.
- People aboard Charter Helicopters was up year-over-year 21.1% @ 1,515.
- 2018 had the highest volume in current data, for the month @ 1,919.
- 2011 had the lowest volume in current data, for the month @ 1,276.
- June people aboard Helicopters made up 1.4% of total monthly arrivals.
- Year-to-date total arrivals = 434,925 down 6.9% from last year which was 466,989.
- Year-to-date total arrivals is below the three-year average of 459,656 by 5.4%.
To view historical data for total arrivals by sector, year and month in a spreadsheet form click here.
Year-over-year comparison for highs, lows and precipitation is charted below for the month of June each year back to 2012.
The number of rain days by month for the past five years is charted below. 2019 represents the most rain days year-to-date with 52 days recorded. Both 2018 and 2016 Year-to-date =18 days, 2017 = 31 days and 2015 =12 days.
There is a strong correlation between the number of rain days and economic impacts. Example below.
2018 Rain Days | Hotel Occupancy | Harbor Use Fees | Cross Channel Wharfage |
4 | 53% | $12,785 | $159,248 |
2019 Rain Days | Hotel Occupancy | Harbor Use Fees | Cross Channel Wharfage |
16 | 40.7% | $8,626 | $106,603 |
Avalon Rainfall is charted below for the same time periods
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