April 2020
April 2020 was greatly impacted by shutdowns related to COVID-19.
All Arrivals
April visitation decreased year-over-year in all sectors, resulting in a total decrease of 97.6% in passengers over the same month last year.
April’s total in-bound passengers = 2,024, down from last year @ 85,372. April 2020 was below the three-year average of 56,153 by 96.4%. April was below the five-year average of 68,640 by 97.1% and the ten-year average of 72,867 by 97.2%.
Arrivals by Sea
People arriving by sea, including private boaters, was 1,911 for the month of April which was down 97.7% from 83,455 last year.
- April Cross Channel passenger counts were down 96.6% year-over-year @ 1,811
- 2000 had the highest volume for the month @ 65,572 passengers
- 2020 had the lowest volume for the month @ 1,811 passengers
- April Cross Channel passenger counts were below the three-year average of 36,287 by 95%
- Cross Channel Carriers made up 64.13% of total monthly arrivals
- Cruise passenger counts were down 100% year-over-year @ 0
- The number of Cruise Ships calling on Avalon was down @ 0 vs. 9 in 2019
- 2014 had the highest passenger volume for the month @ 30,495
- 2020 had the lowest passenger volume for the month @ 0
- April passenger counts were below the three-year average of 16,163 by 100%
- Cruise passengers made up 0% of total monthly arrivals
- Private Boater passenger counts were down year-over-year by 96.9% @ 100
- 2016 had the highest volume for the month @ 3,634
- 2020 had the lowest volume month @ 100
- April passenger counts were below the three-year average of 2,068 by 95.2%
- April number of boats on anchors was down 23% @ 67
- April number of boats on moorings was down 96.87% @ 25
- Private Boaters Made up 3.54% of total monthly arrivals
Arrivals by Air
Avalon's combined in-bound air passenger counts for April totaled 113, down by 94.1% from 2019.
- People aboard planes (Airport in the Sky) was down 37.5% from 96
- 2015 had the highest volume of private aircraft passenger counts for the month @ 1,842
- 2020 had the lowest volume of private aircraft passenger counts for the month @ 60
- April counts were below the three-year average of 464 by 86.1%
- April people aboard planes made up 2.12% of total monthly arrivals
- People aboard Charter Helicopters was down year-over-year by 97.1% @ 53
- 2015 had the highest volume for the month @ 1,888
- 2020 had the lowest volume for the month @ 53
- April counts were below the three-year average of 1,171 by 95.5%
- April people aboard Helicopters made up 1.89% of total monthly arrivals
- Total arrivals year-to-date was down @ 134,181 or 45.6% over last year
- Total arrivals year-to-date fell below the three, five and ten year averages
To view historical data for total arrivals by sector, year and month in a spreadsheet form click here.
Year-over-year comparison for highs, lows and precipitation is charted below for the months of January-April each year back to 2012.
The number of rain days Year-to date is charted below with year-over year comparisons
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