Filming on Catalina

Thank you for considering Avalon and Catalina Island as locations for your film or photo shoot project.

No film permits will be issued for the period of June 30 to July 6 due to peak period of visitation

Our unique island location makes for a very special location and presents some unique challenges. To assist you in meeting these unique challenges, Film Catalina has produced a Film and Photo Shoot Handbook to help you identify and locate those businesses and entities with whom you will have to interface in order to have a successful shoot. Film Catalina is also available to assist you in processing your permits, answering your questions, and assisting you in finding the products and services you might require from local businesses.

Catalina Island Landownership Map

Catalina Land Ownership Map

Download the Catalina Island Film & Photo Shoot Handbook (Updated 7-1-24)

California Production Incentive – Tax Credits

For further information or assistance, please contact Jim Luttjohann, Film Liaison/CEO, at 310-510-7643 or

City of Avalon Permit and Fees

Love Catalina facilitates the permits for both the City and Catalina Island Conservancy.  The City of Avalon requires a business license, a film permit location fee for use of its streets, beaches and piers, and requires permits for all vehicles brought into the City of Avalon. The City also requires $1,000,000 additionally-named liability insurance coverage, unless aircraft are used, in which case the requirement is $5,000,000 additionally-named insurance.

Updated July 1, 2024.

City of Avalon Film Permit

$274/day – 10 or fewer employees at film location
$367/day – Over 10 employees at film location

City of Avalon Business License

$134.75 good for calendar year

Still Photography Permits

$128 per day

Vehicle fees (one time fees)

$36 per day OR $379 per month

Drone Questionaire

Click for Drone Questionaire

Catalina Island is 76 square miles in size. The City of Avalon is 2.7 square miles total. The remainder of the island is owned and operated by the Catalina Island Company and/or the Catalina Island Conservancy. Location fees for use of either organization’s property are paid to each company.

Catalina Island Conservancy Permit and Fees

Catalina Island Conservancy Filming Permit Fees
(as of July 1, 2024)
Catalina Island Conservancy Film Permit

$325 Application Fee (non-refundable)
$1,500 per day - 10 or fewer employees at film location
$2,500 per day - 11-20 employess at film location
$5,000 per day - 21 and over employees at film location

Security Deposit $2,500
Ranger $100 per hour, plus travel time from Avalon, 4
hr minimum (billed after conclusion of
Car and Driver $225 per day, up to 8 hours
Site Representative (billed after filming) $85/hr plus travel time to Avalon

Processing Fee


Drone Questionaire

Click for Drone Qurestionaire

Initial Contacts

City of Avalon filming information for commercial or news/documentary filming & still photo shoot:

Jim Luttjohann, CEO, Film Liaison
Love Catalina Island Tourism Authority
P.O. Box 217, Avalon, CA 90704
310-510-7643  fax 310-510-7607

Catalina Island Conservancy Filming Information

Commercial Shoots, News/Documentary Shoots

Jim Luttjohann, CEO, Film Liaison
P.O. Box 217, Avalon, CA 90704
310-510-7643  fax 310-510-7607

Catalina Island Company Filming Information

Rudy Alvarez, Director of Sales
Catalina Island Company
P.O. Box 737, 150 Metropole Ave, Avalon, CA 90704
4 Park Plaza Suite 420, Irvine, CA 92614




Catalina Island has a long and interesting history dating back to the Spanish Empire. Catalina Island was once owed by William Wrigley, Jr. of Wrigley Chewing…