January 2020 Visitor Stats

January 2020 is off to a good start with all but one set of arrivals showing year-over-year growth.  Weather was less of an issue vs. the same period last year.

All Arrivals

January visitation increased year-over-year in all but one sector, resulting in a total increase of 8.9% in passengers over the same month last year.
All Arrivals January 2020

January total in-bound passengers = 52,691, up from last year @ 48,380.  January 2020 was above the three-year average of

All Arrivals January 2020

Arrivals by Sea

People arriving by sea, including private boaters, was 50,700 for the month up 6.5% from 47,621 last year.

All Arrivals January 2020

Vessel counts January 2020

  • January Cross Channel passenger counts were up 2.9% year-over-year @ 27,087
  • 2018 had the highest volume for the month @ 27,774 passengers
  • 2008 had the lowest volume for the month @ 15,650 passengers
  • January Cross Channel passenger counts were above the three-year average of 49,716 by 2%
  • Cross Channel Carriers made up 51.4% of total monthly arrivals

cross channel january 2020

  • Cruise passenger counts were up 9.7% year-over-year @ 22,105
  • The number of Cruise Ships calling on Avalon was up @ 10 vs. 9 in 2019
  • 2010 had the highest passenger volume for the month @ 24,444
  • 1995 had the lowest passenger volume for the month @ 1,038
  • January passenger counts were above the three-year average @ 21,189
  • January passenger counts were above the five-year average of 20,549
  • January passenger counts were above the ten-year average of 17,107
  • Cruise passengers made up 41.95% of total monthly arrivals


cruise january 2020

  • Private Boater passenger counts were up @ 1,508
  • 2014 had the highest volume for the month @ 1976
  • 2006 had the lowest volume month @ 736
  • January counts were above the three-year average of 1,467
  • January counts were above the five-year average of 1,213
  • January counters were above the ten-year average of 1,409
  • January boaters made up 2.86% of total monthly arrivals


private boat january 2020
Arrivals by Air

Avalon's combined in-bound air passenger counts for January totaled 2,022, up 166.4% from 2019.    

arrivals by air january 2020

  • People aboard planes (Airport in the Sky) was up, however the airport was closed last year for repairs
  • 2020 had the highest volume of private aircraft passenger counts for the month @ 1,425
  • January counts were above the three-year average of 887 by 60.7%
  • Five and ten-year data sets are incomplete, but being updated for future reporting
  • January people aboard planes made up 2.7% of total monthly arrivals

private aircraft january 2020

  • People aboard Charter Helicopters was down year-over-year @ 566
  • 2018 had the highest volume for the month @ 935
  • 2012 had the lowest volume for the month @ 539
  • January counts were below the three-year average of 753
  • January counts were below the five-year average of 763
  • January counts were below the ten-year average of 697
  • January people aboard Helicopters made up 1.07% of total monthly arrivals

helicopter january 2020

To view historical data for total arrivals by sector, year and month in a spreadsheet form click here.  


Year-over-year comparison for highs, lows and precipitation is charted below for the month of January each year back to 2012. 

Avg Hi Low December 2019

The number of rain days in January is charted below with year-over year comparisons 

rainy days january 2020

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